Spinal Care — Southside Chiropractic

Chiropractic Services


Chiropractic Services


If you're STILL in pain, this may be the place for you!!  We utilize the most popular and most effective non-drug, non-surgical approaches to health care available. Chiropractic care is the number one choice for millions of people world-wide suffering from a variety of health conditions. Trends show that every day more people are choosing alternative approaches to meet their health care needs. This is probably the result of the growing frustration with many traditional treatment methods that focus on covering up the symptoms rather than determining and eliminating the cause of the problem. 

Our holistic approach to pain focuses primarily on reducing nerve interference (pinched nerves) in the spine that can negatively affect the central nervous system and on handling the corresponding muscular imbalance. Our treatment helps to restore proper function to the nerves and muscles ultimately resulting ingood health.

We are the only office in our service area to offer a combination of:

1.) High Tech Adjusting Instrument, Low Force Activator Technique and Traditional (Hands on) Chiropractic
2.) Spinal Decompression Therapy
3.) Trigger Point Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release Technique
4.) Sports Chiropractic - Structural Fingerprint Exam, Injury Prevention, Foot Arch Evaluations
5.) Muscular Stretching and Strengthening
6.) Flexion Distraction
7.) Nutrition Response Testing
8.) Nutritional Pain Evaluations
9.) Nutritional and Weight Loss Counseling
10.) Whole Food (Food Form) Supplementation


Just as lasers have replaced scalpels in some surgeries, 
advanced technology has become available to chiropractors
to assist in delivering chiropractic adjustments.

Impulse Adjusting Instrument® - Accurate | Accelerated

This patented and FDA registered device was specifically created to deliver gentle
and precise chiropractic adjustments to the joints of the spine and extremities to relieve pain and restore function.

The Impulse Adjusting Instrument® is controlled by micro-computer circuitry housed within the device that
produces a controlled force that chiropractors can use to treat different areas of the body.



Twice as fast as other adjusting instruments and 100x faster than manual chiropractic adjustments. 
The gentle thrust is faster than the body’s tendency to tighten up and resist the adjustment.


Three different force settings for different parts of the body and to treat patients of all ages.

The controlled low force thrust makes treatments comfortable.


Specifically tuned to the natural frequency of the body that joints, muscles and nerves respond to, optimizing results for patients.

We use high tech adjusting instruments along with low force modern drop table work, traditional chiropractic and muscle work to get you better faster and as comfortably as possible


Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression


Unresolving Back Pain? Neck Pain? Herniated or Bulging Discs?

Spinal Decompression may be the solution you've been searching for. Decompression is a chiropractic technique utilized in the treatment of herniated and bulging discs.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

•Gently lengthens and decompresses the spine. 
•Creates negative pressures within the discs. 
•Creates an intradiscal vacuum that helps to reposition bulging discs and pull extruded disc material into place, taking pressure off of pinched nerves. 
•Draws nutrients, oxygen and fluids into the disc to create a revitalized environment conducive to healing.



Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is not to be confused with linear or motorized traction

According to a clinical study performed by the Orthopedic Technological Review in 2004, 86% of all cases experienced spinal pain relief with disc decompression. 





For nearly 70 years, Foot Levelers has been making custom orthotics that are clinically proven to help reduce pain and improve whole body wellness by balancing the body from the ground up.

Your feet are your foundation. And structural imbalances in your feet can lead to issues throughout the body like:


 Your feet don’t even have to be hurting to cause some of these issues. Foot Levelers custom orthotics, Shoethotics® and Sandalthotics® can help by properly supporting and positioning the feet.

A foot scan or impression shows how imbalances in the feet lead to problems throughout your body. The orthotics are then made off your foot scan or impression.

Only Foot Levelers custom orthotics support all 3 arches of the foot. Your arches give the foot strength to support the body in a balanced fashion. Balancing your foundation can help relieve pain and avoid future issues. Ask your doctor about getting scanned.

Southside Chiropractic
Southside Health and Wellness Campus
531 Southside Drive
Oneonta, New York 13820
(easily accessed from Rt. 23 across from Lowes)
Phone: 607.433.9661
Fax : 607.433.9661
Email: info@southsidechiropractic.com